Corporate efforts to raise disaster prevention awareness

table of contents

1. Preparation of disaster countermeasure manual

1-1 Risk assessment and prioritization
1-2 Planning and establishing an organizational structure
1-3 Formulation of evacuation procedures and safety measures
1-4 Communication and contact system
1-5 Continuing education and training

2. Rapid sharing of disaster information

2-1 Utilization of internal communication tools
2-2 Notification by email or SMS
2-3 Utilization of the Internet and external tools
2-4 Establishment of disaster hotline and emergency contact information
2-5 Collection and analysis of disaster information

3. Maintenance of disaster prevention equipment

3-1 Fire alarm system
3-2 Emergency lighting system
3-3 Emergency power generator
3-4 Smoke prevention equipment
3-5 Evacuation equipment
3-6 Stockpile and first aid supplies

4.Promoting employee education

4-1 Implementation of disaster prevention education
4-2 Conducting evacuation drills
4-3 Information sharing and awareness raising activities
4-4 Management leadership and involvement



In recent years, the frequency of natural disasters and emergencies has increased, and disaster prevention awareness has become increasingly important. Ensuring the safety of employees and facilities has become an extremely important issue for companies as well. This article introduces examples of companies that are actively working to raise disaster prevention awareness.


1. Preparation of disaster countermeasure manual

1-1 Risk assessment and prioritization

First, companies assess potential disaster risks depending on their location and industry. It takes into account a variety of risk factors, including natural disasters such as earthquakes, floods, and fires, as well as man-made disasters such as accidents and terrorist attacks. Based on this, we evaluate the probability of disaster occurrence and the degree of impact, and prioritize. At this stage, the disaster risks that companies most urgently need to address become clear.


1-2 Planning and establishing an organizational structure

Next, establish a plan and organizational structure in the event of a disaster. This includes forming a disaster response team, dividing roles, and establishing a communication network. The disaster response team is responsible for collecting information, making judgments, and determining evacuation procedures in the event of a disaster, and supports smooth response. When establishing an organizational structure, it is important to clarify things such as the hierarchical structure, scope of responsibility, and communication flow.


1-3 Formulation of evacuation procedures and safety measures

The disaster countermeasure manual formulates specific evacuation procedures and safety measures to ensure the safety of employees and related parties. This includes evacuation routes, evacuation locations, and items to take with you during evacuation. It may also include instructions on how to respond to specific disasters, such as fires and earthquakes, and first aid instructions. Additionally, safety measures for specific facilities and equipment (e.g. , emergency power generators and smoke prevention equipment) will be detailed.


1-4 Communication and contact system

In the event of a disaster, smooth communication and communication systems are essential. A disaster response manual will clearly specify how to contact employees and related parties, information sharing methods, emergency contact information, etc. Additionally, information collection and provision methods and reporting processes will be developed in the event of a disaster. This enables quick information transmission and accurate judgment.


1-5 Continuing education and training

In addition to having a disaster response manual in place, it is also important to provide continuous education and training to employees. We improve our employees' disaster response abilities and awareness through regular disaster prevention education and evacuation drills. It is also important to continue to review and improve manuals and training content in response to changes in disaster occurrence patterns and response measures.


Preparing a disaster countermeasure manual is the foundation for a company to smoothly respond and ensure safety in the event of a disaster. Through continuous review and improvement, more effective disaster prevention measures will be realized.



2. Rapid sharing of disaster information

2-1 Utilization of internal communication tools

Companies often use internal communication tools to communicate between employees and within the organization. Examples include corporate internet portals, messaging apps, and internal social media . These tools allow you to share information in real time and quickly convey critical information and instructions in the event of a disaster.


2-2 Notification by email or SMS

Companies may also use email or SMS (Short Message Service) to quickly notify employees and other stakeholders of disaster information. When a disaster occurs, important information and instructions can be sent all at once to a pre-registered contact list. This allows information to be delivered to many people at the same time, encouraging prompt responses.


2-3 Utilization of the Internet and external tools

It is also effective to use the Internet and external tools to share disaster information. Companies may set up a disaster information page on their official website or internal portal site to provide information updated in real time. The company's official SNS accounts and cloud-based document sharing tools are also utilized. These tools allow you to provide information to a wide range of stakeholders and share it quickly.


2-4 Establishment of disaster hotline and emergency contact information

Companies may also set up hotlines or emergency contacts that employees and other stakeholders can contact in the event of a disaster. This makes it possible to confirm the safety of disaster victims and gather information urgently. Emergency contacts are known in advance and are always available in the event of a disaster.


2-5 Collection and analysis of disaster information

Companies quickly collect information when a disaster occurs, analyze that information, and extract the necessary information. This involves the integrated use of multiple information sources, including weather forecasts, earthquake information, weather radar, and official disaster-related announcements. It is important to rely on official sources and official announcements to ensure the accuracy and reliability of information.


Rapid sharing of disaster information enables prompt response and effective communication of instructions during disasters, and plays an important role in minimizing damage. Companies are required to combine these means and methods to create a system that enables prompt and accurate information sharing.


3. Maintenance of disaster prevention equipment

3-1 Fire alarm system

Fire alarm systems are installed for the purpose of early detection and reporting of fires. This includes smoke detectors, heat detectors, fire alarm panels, alarm systems, etc. When a fire is detected, an alarm system can be activated to notify employees of the outbreak.


3-2 Emergency lighting system

Emergency lighting equipment provides appropriate lighting even in dark environments due to power outages or lighting equipment failures during disasters. This makes it possible to confirm evacuation routes and emergency exits, and support evacuation activities.


3-3 Emergency power generator

Emergency power generators are used to ensure power even if the power supply is interrupted during a disaster. This enables the continued operation of critical facilities and equipment, as well as the availability of emergency lighting, information system operations, and communications equipment.


3-4 Smoke prevention equipment

Smoke prevention equipment is installed to prevent the spread of smoke in the event of a fire and to protect evacuation routes and evacuation areas from smoke. This includes automatic shut-off devices with smoke detectors, smoke evacuation devices, smoke protection doors, and smoke extraction equipment.


3-5 Evacuation equipment

Evacuation equipment is used by employees and related parties to safely and quickly evacuate buildings and facilities in the event of a disaster. This includes evacuation route markings and lighting, emergency stairs, evacuation exits, and evacuation shelter installations. Evacuation equipment functions effectively when properly placed and maintained.


3-6 Stockpile and first aid supplies

In the event of a disaster, you will need supplies such as drinking water, emergency food, blankets, medical supplies, and first aid supplies. These supplies can be stocked at evacuation centers, shelters, first aid kits, etc. Also, don't forget to install an AED (Automated External Defibrillator).


It is important for companies to prepare necessary disaster prevention equipment based on laws and regulations, as well as to formulate appropriate maintenance inspections and emergency response plans. Furthermore, it is important to make employees aware of the existence and use of disaster prevention equipment through regular training and education, and to improve their ability to respond in the event of a disaster.


4.Promoting employee education

4-1 Implementation of disaster prevention education

Companies increase employees' disaster prevention awareness by conducting disaster prevention education regularly. Disaster prevention education requires conveying knowledge about disaster types and risks, appropriate action guidelines, evacuation procedures, etc. Educational methods include lectures, workshops, and simulation exercises. It is also important to regularly review the content and methods of education and make improvements based on the latest information and best practices.


4-2 Conducting evacuation drills

It is also important to educate and train employees on the existence and use of emergency communication methods (hotlines, emergency contacts, email, etc.). To ensure smooth communication in the event of a disaster, it is necessary to clearly communicate to employees how to use emergency communication methods and the reporting process. It is also important to familiarize yourself with the use of emergency communications through regular exercises and simulations.


4-3 Information sharing and awareness raising activities

Employee training should encompass information sharing and awareness-raising activities regarding disaster prevention. Companies can provide employees with disaster prevention information, best practices, and what to do in the event of a disaster through regular newsletters, emails, and internal portals. It is also effective to distribute visual materials such as pamphlets and posters to raise awareness of disaster prevention.


4-4 Management leadership and involvement

Leadership and involvement from management is essential to promoting employee education. Managers should be aware of disaster prevention and serve as a model for their employees. It is also important for managers to be actively involved and open to employee participation and feedback in the planning and implementation of employee training.


Promoting employee education will lead to fostering disaster prevention awareness and improving the ability to respond in the event of a disaster. It is important for companies to instill a culture of disaster preparedness by developing regular education programs, encouraging employee participation, and providing opportunities for information sharing and training.




Improving corporate disaster prevention awareness is an important initiative that helps ensure the safety of employees and facilities. There are various approaches, such as preparing disaster countermeasure manuals, quickly sharing disaster information, installing disaster prevention equipment, and promoting employee education. Through these efforts, companies will be able to create a safer and more sustainable environment. Companies with a high level of disaster prevention awareness can achieve smooth business continuity even in the event of a disaster and contribute to their employees and local communities.
