The relationship between coronavirus and disasters: The challenge behind the new crisis

table of contents

1. Disasters and the spread of infectious diseases

1-1 Crowding in evacuation centers and temporary housing
1-2 Deterioration of hygiene conditions
1-3 Burden on the medical system
1-4 Difficulty in communicating appropriate information
1-5 When infectious disease control is prioritized due to the impact of a disaster

2. Disasters and the burden on healthcare

2-1 Rapid increase in injuries
2-2 Damage to medical facilities
2-3 Burden on medical staff
2-4 Risk of infectious diseases
2-5 Long-term care and psychological support

3. Evacuation and social distancing during disasters

3-1 Difficulty in ensuring social distance at evacuation centers and temporary housing
3-2 Securing appropriate facilities
3-3 Education and guidance for evacuees
3-4 Adoption of decentralized evacuation measures
3-5 Utilization of technology

4. Disasters and their impact on mental health

4-1 Trauma and stress response
4-2 Grief and loss
4-3 Social isolation and anxiety
4-4 Material hardship and economic stress
4-5 Impact on children and youth
4-6 Long-term effects after a disaster
①Provide psychological support after a disaster
② Strengthen community cohesion
③ Integration of disaster preparedness and mental health
④Maintaining healthy lifestyle habits

5. Balancing emergency response and infectious disease control during disasters

5-1 Preparation and planning
5-2 Securing appropriate facilities
5-3 Strengthening the medical system 
5-4 Strengthening infectious disease prevention measures
5-5 Information provision and communication
5-6 Adoption of decentralized evacuation measures
5-7 Utilization of technology
5-8 Cooperation and collaboration



Since 2020 , the new coronavirus ( COVID-19 ) has spread all over the world, bringing major changes to our lives. On the other hand, the relationship between coronavirus and natural disasters is also attracting attention. This article explores the relationship between coronavirus and disasters and considers how the two influence each other.


1. Disasters and the spread of infectious diseases

1-1 Crowding in evacuation centers and temporary housing

When natural disasters occur, victims often seek refuge in evacuation centers or temporary housing. In these places, many people live in confined spaces, leading to crowding. Crowded areas increase the risk that infectious diseases can easily spread. In particular, respiratory infections such as colds, influenza, and the new coronavirus are primarily spread through close contact.


1-2 Deterioration of hygiene conditions

During natural disasters, infrastructure such as water supplies, sewage treatment plants, and electricity supplies are often damaged, leading to poor sanitary conditions. Lack of adequate running water and toilet facilities makes it difficult to wash hands and practice good hygiene, increasing the risk of spreading infectious diseases.


1-3 Burden on the medical system

When natural disasters occur, the number of victims who require treatment for injuries and illnesses increases rapidly. As a result, healthcare facilities and healthcare workers must respond to increased demand. For this reason, in the event of a disaster, it may not be possible to allocate sufficient resources and personnel to prevent infectious diseases, increasing the risk of the spread of infectious diseases.


1-4 Difficulty in communicating appropriate information

During natural disasters, communicating information can be difficult. If there is a delay in providing information on infectious disease prevention and providing guidance on appropriate behavior to residents in disaster-stricken areas, the risk of infectious diseases will increase. Another problem is the spread of false and inaccurate information.


1-5 When infectious disease control is prioritized due to the impact of a disaster

When a natural disaster occurs, priorities may include rescue operations, shelter operations, and food and water supplies. This can cause infectious disease control to take a backseat, increasing the likelihood of infectious disease spread.



2. Disasters and the burden on healthcare

2-1 Rapid increase in injuries

Natural disasters and disaster-related accidents result in a rapid increase in the number of people injured and developing diseases. This will lead to a surge in demand for emergency and acute care services, placing undue strain on hospitals and clinics. Medical facilities must respond to the demands of caring for seriously injured patients, performing surgeries, changing bandages, and treating broken bones.


2-2 Damage to medical facilities

Natural disasters can damage hospitals and clinics, destroying equipment and medical equipment. This reduces the capacity of healthcare facilities and limits the number of patients they can accommodate. There may also be problems with the storage of medical equipment and medicines, such as power supply or refrigerator malfunctions.


2-3 Burden on medical staff

When a disaster occurs, medical staff are forced to work long hours, which increases their physical and mental burden. It may also increase your risk of infection. Because medical workers have to deal with a large number of patients within limited resources and time, they tend to accumulate stress and fatigue, and the psychological burden is heavy.


2-4 Risk of infectious diseases

When a disaster occurs, many people may be crowded together in evacuation centers or temporary housing, creating an environment where infectious diseases can easily spread. To control the spread of infectious diseases, medical facilities and healthcare workers must strengthen infection control measures. This includes isolating infected people, testing them, and tracking the spread of infection.


2-5 Long-term care and psychological support

When disasters occur, victims and their families require long-term physical and psychological care. Healthcare providers must provide long-term support, taking into account the impact of injury, trauma and stress on mental health. Psychological support from mental health professionals is also essential.



3. Evacuation and social distancing during disasters

3-1 Difficulty in ensuring social distance at evacuation centers and temporary housing

When a natural disaster occurs, victims must evacuate to a safe location. However, social distancing can be difficult to maintain in evacuation centers and temporary housing, where many people live together in limited space. Crowded environments facilitate the spread of infectious diseases, especially increasing the risk of respiratory infections.


3-2 Securing appropriate facilities

It is important to provide adequate shelter and temporary housing to ensure social distancing. This includes arranging spaces appropriately, installing partitions to maintain privacy for individual evacuees, and providing adequate ventilation and sanitation facilities. It is also essential to provide hand washing facilities and disinfection supplies necessary to prevent infectious diseases.


3-3 Education and guidance for evacuees

Evacuees need education and guidance to understand and practice the importance of social distancing. To prevent infection, it is suggested to wear a mask when coughing or sneezing, and to wash and disinfect your hands frequently. Guidance should also be given regarding behavior inside evacuation centers and temporary housing.


3-4 Adoption of decentralized evacuation measures

Strategies may be adopted to evenly distribute evacuees to ensure social distancing. This means using multiple shelters and facilities and distributing evacuees evenly. This reduces the risk of overcrowding in one evacuation center and facilitates social distancing.


3-5 Utilization of technology

In recent years, technology has been used to track evacuees and provide information. Using smartphone applications and GPS technology, evacuees can be located and directed to appropriate facilities. It is also possible to provide necessary information to evacuees using online communication tools.



4. Disasters and their impact on mental health

4-1 Trauma and stress response

Witnessing or experiencing a disaster causes trauma for many people. Trauma can cause strong emotional reactions such as anxiety, fear, confusion, and anger. Experiencing a life-threatening crisis also increases the risk of post-traumatic stress disorder ( PTSD ).


4-2 Grief and loss

Disasters can cause people to experience the loss of family, friends, property, and community. This intensifies feelings of grief and loss and increases the risk of developing depression and anxiety disorders.


4-3 Social isolation and anxiety

Disasters can disrupt communication and support systems, making individuals more susceptible to social isolation. Feelings of isolation increase anxiety and loneliness, which negatively impacts mental health.


4-4 Material hardship and economic stress

Disasters can cause people to lose their homes and workplaces, causing financial hardship. This can increase financial anxiety and stress, which can negatively impact your mental health.


4-5 Impact on children and youth

Disasters also have a great impact on children and young people. Anxiety, fear, falling behind in school, trauma, etc. can affect mental health and require psychological support.


4-6 Long-term effects after a disaster

The effects of disasters can be long-lasting and can have long-term effects on mental health. If stress and trauma persist after a disaster, mental health problems can become chronic. To reduce the impact on your mental health and support your recovery, it is important to note the following:

①Provide psychological support after a disaster

We provide professional counseling and psychotherapy to help you process trauma and stress.

② Strengthen community cohesion

Disasters can increase community cohesion and foster an environment of mutual support.

③ Integration of disaster preparedness and mental health

Incorporating mental health support into disaster preparedness plans can help meet the needs of disaster survivors.

④Maintaining healthy lifestyle habits

Maintaining proper sleep, nutrition, and exercise can help maintain mental health.



5. Balancing emergency response and infectious disease control during disasters

5-1 Preparation and planning

It is important to formulate a plan in advance that integrates emergency response and infectious disease countermeasures in the event of a disaster. This includes securing medical resources in case of an infectious disease outbreak and incorporating measures to prevent the spread of infection.


5-2 Securing appropriate facilities

Appropriate facilities must be prepared in areas where disasters occur to prevent infectious diseases. In evacuation centers and temporary housing, it is essential to take appropriate infectious disease control measures and maintain appropriate distance.


5-3 Strengthening the medical system

During disasters, the burden on the medical system increases. Prepare for infectious disease control, train healthcare workers, and develop guidelines to minimize the risk of spreading infection.


5-4 Strengthening infectious disease prevention measures

We will implement infectious disease prevention measures such as ensuring social distancing at evacuation centers and temporary housing, providing hand washing facilities, and wearing masks. We will also isolate and test infected people within the evacuation center.


5-5 Information provision and communication

When a disaster occurs, it is essential to provide accurate and appropriate information to evacuees and communities. Communicate guidance and appropriate behavior regarding infectious disease control to minimize anxiety and confusion.


5-6 Adoption of decentralized evacuation measures

Adopt strategies to evenly distribute evacuees to avoid overcrowding. This makes it easier to achieve social distancing.


5-7 Utilization of technology

Using smartphone apps and GPS technology, we will grasp the location information of evacuees and guide them to appropriate facilities and provide them with information.


5-8 Cooperation and collaboration

Cooperation and collaboration between various stakeholders is essential, including national and local governments, medical institutions, non-profit organizations, and volunteers. Through cooperation, we will share resources and expertise to achieve effective emergency response and infectious disease control.




The relationship between coronavirus and natural disasters is complex, and the two can interact with each other. The risk of the spread of infectious diseases increases during natural disasters, so appropriate measures are necessary. It is also important to consider the mental health of disaster victims. To address these challenges, it is essential that governments, international organizations and citizens work together and work closely together. We will continue to face new challenges, but we will need to use knowledge and the power of solidarity to overcome them.
