Update and maintenance of disaster prevention items: In preparation for long-term storage

table of contents

1. Check the types of disaster prevention items

    1-1 Emergency food and drinking water
    1-2 flashlights and radio
    1-3 Medicines and first aid kits
    1-4 Cold weather gear and clothing
    1-5 tools and utensils
    1-6 Communication means
    1-7 cash
    1-8 Copies of important documents
    2. Check the expiry date and durability of the item
    2-1 Check the expiry date of emergency food

      2-2 Checking drinking water

        2-3 Check flashlight and radio batteries

          2-4 Check medicines and first aid kits

            2-5 Check the condition of cold weather gear and clothing
            2-6 Checking communication methods
            2-7 Inspecting other items
            3. Organize items and secure storage space

              3-1 Organizing items
              3-2 Securing storage space
              3-3 storage ideas
              4.Regular inspection and updates
              4-2 Inspection of each item

                4-3 Update and replacement
                4-4 Reorganize items
                4-5 Share with family

                  5.Education and training
                  5-1 Learn with family and friends

                    5-2 Creating an evacuation plan
                    5-3 Implementation of disaster prevention drills
                    5-4 First aid training
                    5-5 Collecting and sharing information
                    5-6 Summary of learning resource utilization


                      Disasters are unpredictable and it is important to be prepared. Storing and maintaining emergency preparedness items is an essential step in ensuring you are always fully prepared. This article details the appropriate update and maintenance procedures for long-term storage of disaster preparedness items.


                    1. Check the types of disaster prevention items

                      1-1 Emergency food and drinking water

                      It is important to have emergency food and drinking water with a long shelf life in case of an emergency. Dry emergency food, canned food, retort food, etc. are selected. You should also store drinking water in a storage container so that you can use only the amount you need.


                      1-2 flashlights and radio

                      If your electricity goes out, flashlights and radios can be helpful. Hand-crank rechargeable flashlights and solar-powered radios are especially useful. It is also an important item for gathering the latest information.


                      1-3 Medicines and first aid kits

                      Make sure you have all your regular medicines and the medicines you need for emergency treatment for sudden injuries. A first aid kit includes things like bandages, disinfectant, bandages, and plasters. Prepare items that suit your individual health condition.


                      1-4 Cold weather gear and clothing

                      It is necessary to withstand the cold in the event of an earthquake or power outage. Bringing warm clothes and cold-weather gear (blankets, heated sheets, etc.) will help you maintain your body temperature.


                      1-5 tools and utensils

                      Tools such as a multi-tool, pocket knife, and work gloves will help you organize your items and get the job done. Also, consider a portable radio and charger if necessary.


                      1-6 Communication means

                      Communication methods are important in an emergency. Prepare a mobile phone, smartphone, spare charger, wireless device, etc. so that you can confirm your safety and share information.


                      1-7 cash

                      If your bank's ATM or credit card is not available, you may need cash. Having an appropriate amount of cash available will help you pay for your daily needs.


                      1-8 Copies of important documents

                      Having copies of important documents, such as your ID, insurance card, and family contact information, can be helpful in an emergency.


                      2. Check the expiry date and durability of the item

                      2-1 Check the expiry date of emergency food

                        Although emergency food items are designed for long-term storage, they can expire over time. The expiry date is written on the package of emergency food, so be sure to check it. If the food has expired, replace it with new emergency food.


                        2-2 Checking drinking water

                          Although most drinking water can be stored for a long time, do not use it if the container's seal is broken or discolored. In particular, deformation and discoloration of plastic containers can affect the quality of drinking water.


                          2-3 Check flashlight and radio batteries

                            Flashlights and radios require batteries to power them. Check the battery condition regularly and replace it with a new battery if necessary. It's also important to keep rechargeable flashlights and radios charged as needed.


                            2-4 Check medicines and first aid kits

                              Regularly check the contents of your medicines and first aid kits for expired medicines. Also, make sure your first aid kit is complete and check to see if anything is missing.


                              2-5 Check the condition of cold weather gear and clothing

                              Cold weather gear and clothing may deteriorate. Mold and discoloration may occur depending on storage conditions, so be sure to inspect it regularly to keep it clean.


                              2-6 Checking communication methods

                              Make sure your cell phone or radio battery is charged and charge it if necessary. Also check that the radio and spare charger are working properly.


                              2-7 Inspecting other items

                              Other items, such as tools, cash, and important documents, are also inspected regularly and updated or replaced if necessary.



                              3. Organize items and secure storage space

                                3-1 Organizing items

                                Sort by category : Sort and organize disaster prevention items by type. Organize items by category, such as emergency food, drinking water, medicine, and tools.

                                Labeling : Labeling the containers and bags your items are stored in will help you quickly find the items you need.

                                Bring frequently used items to the front : Place items you use frequently on a daily basis or items that need quick access in an emergency to the front of your storage space.


                                3-2 Securing storage space

                                Choosing the right location : Disaster prevention items should be stored in a location with stable temperature and humidity. Avoid direct sunlight and choose a location with low humidity.

                                Indoor storage : Reserve an indoor space to store emergency items, such as an indoor closet, closet, or garage. If you store it indoors, there are fewer changes in temperature, and your items will last longer.

                                Appropriate height : Store at a height that you can easily reach, rather than in a high or low place. It is important to place it in a location that is easily accessible in case of an emergency.

                                Dedicated area for disaster prevention items : It is a good idea to have a dedicated space for storing disaster prevention items. Use storage shelves and racks to keep things organized and look neat.

                                A place that everyone in the family knows : It is important that everyone in the family knows where disaster prevention items are stored. We recommend sharing your location so everyone can access it in an emergency.


                                3-3 storage ideas

                                Transparent containers : It is helpful to store emergency food and small items in transparent containers so you can see what's inside at a glance.

                                Organizing tools : By using boxes and dividers to organize your items, you can keep your storage area tidy and make it easier to retrieve items.

                                Foldable storage bags : If you have a lot of disaster prevention items, you can use foldable storage bags or bags to make them easier to carry when needed.



                                4.Regular inspection and updates

                                4-1 Scheduling regular inspections

                                  At least once a year : Inspect disaster prevention items at least once a year. We recommend doing this at the turn of the seasons or at the beginning of the year.


                                  4-2 Inspection of each item

                                    Emergency food and drinking water : Check the condition of packages and containers, as well as expiration dates. Replace items that are expired or discolored.

                                    Flashlights and radios : Check that the batteries are working properly and replace them with new batteries if necessary. If the battery is rechargeable, check the charging status.

                                    Medicines and first aid kits : Check expiration dates on medicines and replace if necessary. Check the contents of your first aid kit and replenish any missing items.

                                    Cold weather gear and clothing : Check for mold or damage, and wash and care for them to keep them clean.

                                    Communication methods : Check the charging status of your mobile phone or radio, and charge it if necessary.


                                    4-3 Update and replacement

                                    Check expiration dates : If emergency food or medicines have expired, replace them with new items.

                                    Replace consumables : Regularly replace consumables, such as flashlight and radio batteries and first aid kit medicines.

                                    Replace deteriorated items : If your winter gear, clothing, tools, etc. have deteriorated, replace them with new ones.


                                    4-4 Reorganize items

                                    Organize and Label : Organize your items and properly re-store items that have been replaced with new items. Update the label if necessary.


                                    4-5 Share with family

                                      Share your storage location : Share your storage location and item status with your family and housemates during regular inspections and updates.



                                      5.Education and training

                                      5-1 Learn with family and friends

                                        Awareness for the whole family : It is important that all family members understand the importance of disaster prevention and learn together. Let's discuss and share information about what to do in the event of a disaster, contact methods, evacuation sites, etc.


                                        5-2 Creating an evacuation plan

                                        Check evacuation routes and gathering places : Create an evacuation plan at home and check evacuation routes and nearby safe gathering places. It is important to be familiar with and practice evacuation routes.


                                        5-3 Implementation of disaster prevention drills

                                        Fire training : Learn how to deal with a fire at home and how to use a fire extinguisher, and conduct practical training.

                                        Earthquake training : Practice appropriate actions such as dropping, covering, and holding during an earthquake.

                                        Evacuation Drill : Have the entire family walk the evacuation route and practice gathering at the evacuation site.


                                        5-4 First aid training

                                        Basic first aid : Learn basic first aid skills such as how to stop bleeding, apply bandages, and perform CPR.

                                        Using a first aid kit : Know what is in your home first aid kit and how to use it to prepare for emergencies.


                                        5-5 Collecting and sharing information

                                          Securing information sources : Accurate information is necessary in the event of a disaster. Secure information sources such as radio, television, and the Internet.

                                          Communication to confirm safety : In the event of an emergency, decide in advance how to confirm the safety of your family and friends, and stipulate that you will communicate with them.

                                          5-6 Utilization of learning resources

                                          Websites and apps : Learn knowledge about disaster prevention using government disaster prevention information sites and apps, learning resources provided by the Red Cross, and others.

                                          Workshops and Seminars : It is also beneficial to attend local disaster prevention workshops and seminars and receive guidance from experts.




                                          1. Check the type of disaster prevention items

                                          Emergency food and drinking water
                                          flashlight and radio
                                          Medicines and first aid kits
                                          Cold weather gear and clothing
                                          tools and utensils
                                          means of communication
                                          Copies of important documents

                                          2. Check the expiry date and durability of the item

                                          Check the expiry date of emergency food and check for discoloration or deterioration.
                                          Check the seal and discoloration of drinking water containers
                                          Check the battery status of flashlights and radios
                                          Check expiry dates and contents of medicines and first aid kits
                                          Check the condition of cold weather gear and clothing and keep them clean
                                          Check the charging status of the communication means

                                          3. Organize items and secure storage space

                                          Sort, label and organize by category
                                          Store items at a convenient height
                                          Select a location with stable indoor temperature and humidity
                                          Create a dedicated storage space and let the whole family know

                                          4.Regular inspection and updates

                                          Set regular inspections at least once a year
                                          Inspect each item to check expiration date and condition
                                          Replace expired or deteriorated items
                                          Organize items and optimize storage space
                                          Share the status of your storage location with your family

                                          5.Education and training

                                          Learn the importance of disaster prevention with your family and friends, share information, create an evacuation plan, confirm evacuation routes and gathering places, conduct training for fires, earthquakes, first aid, etc. Establish correct information gathering and sharing methods Utilize learning resources to increase knowledge about disaster prevention

                                          To prepare for long-term storage, update and maintain disaster prevention items, strengthen cooperation with family and friends, and prepare to respond safely and effectively in the event of a disaster.



