Disaster prevention and sustainable transportation

table of contents

1.Basic concept and goals of EST
2.Specific examples of EST initiatives

2-1 Hokkaido/Sapporo City: Eco Bus Project
2-2 Sumida Ward, Tokyo: Sumida Ward EST Promotion Plan

3. Challenges and prospects for popularizing EST

3-1 Technical issues and prospects
3-2 Social issues and prospects
3-3 Regional issues and prospects



The increasing severity and frequency of natural disasters due to climate change are having a serious impact on our lives and society and economy. In order to protect people's lives and property and maintain the functioning of society against various disasters such as earthquakes, tsunamis, typhoons, heavy rains, heat waves, and droughts, disaster prevention, mitigation, and reconstruction efforts are essential.

  On the other hand, transportation, our means of transportation, is both a cause and an influence of climate change. Transportation is a major source of greenhouse gas emissions and contributes to accelerating global warming. In addition, transportation is susceptible to damage during disasters, and the risks of movement difficulties and logistics disruptions are increasing.

  In this way, disaster prevention and transportation are closely related, and it is necessary to consider both at the same time. In particular, the concept of environmentally sustainable transport ( EST ) is attracting attention. EST is a transportation system that aims to mitigate and adapt to climate change while improving socio-economic development and people's welfare.


In this article, we will introduce disaster prevention and sustainable transportation from the following three perspectives.

1.Basic concept and goals of EST

EST is a concept proposed by the Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development ( OECD ), and is promoted in Japan by the Ministry of the Environment and the Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism. EST consists of the following three pillars.

environmentally sustainable transport systems

・Reduce emissions of greenhouse gases and air pollutants, and preserve the natural environment and biodiversity.
・Enable safe and quick movement even in the event of a disaster
・Create a recycling-oriented society and a society that coexists with nature
・Socially sustainable transportation system
・Considering the needs of vulnerable groups such as women, children, the elderly and people with disabilities
・Provide low-cost and safe means of transportation such as public transportation and bicycles
・Promote regional and international collaboration and cooperation
・Economically sustainable transportation system
・Improve energy efficiency and resource efficiency
・Develop innovative technologies and services to strengthen competitiveness
・Achieve green growth and green recovery

Towards the realization of EST , Japan has set the following goals.

・By 2030 , reduce greenhouse gas emissions by 46% compared to 2013 , aiming to achieve a 50% reduction
・Reduce greenhouse gas emissions to net zero by 2050
・By 2030 , increase the usage rate of environmentally friendly transportation methods such as public transportation and bicycles to 70% or more in metropolitan areas and 30% or more in regional metropolitan areas
・By 2030 , approximately 100% of new car sales will be next-generation vehicles such as electric vehicles ( EVs ) and fuel cell vehicles ( FCVs ).
・By 2030 , approximately 50% of new sales of commercial vehicles such as buses and trucks will be next-generation vehicles.

2.Specific examples of EST initiatives

Since fiscal 2007 , the Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism has been implementing a support system called the EST Model Project for regions aiming to promote EST . This supports initiatives such as promoting the use of public transportation and the introduction of low-pollution vehicles, based on a plan created and implemented by local councils called the Regional Public Transportation Comprehensive Collaboration Plan. Here, we will introduce some examples from EST model projects.


2-1 Hokkaido/Sapporo City: Eco Bus Project

Sapporo City is conducting an initiative called the Eco Bus Project, which targets route buses operating in the city center. This project implements the following measures.

・Electrification and hybridization of bus vehicles
・Improvement and maintenance of bus stops and bus terminals
・Introduction of bus lanes and signal priority system
・Review of bus fares and transfer discount system
・Providing information and enlightenment activities to bus users

This project has achieved the following effects:

・The number of bus users increased and the number of private car users decreased.
・Emissions of greenhouse gases and air pollutants have been reduced.
・Bus operation time has been shortened and operation stability has been improved.
・Increased satisfaction from bus users and residents along the route
・Fukuoka Prefecture/Fukuoka City: Fukuoka City Recycling-oriented Society Creation Promotion Plan
・Fukuoka City has formulated a plan to promote the creation of a recycling-oriented society, and is implementing the following initiatives.
・Electrification and hybridization of streetcars operated in the city center
・Promotion of bicycle use and maintenance of bicycle paths
・Diversification of transportation methods such as car sharing and carpooling
・Reduction and recycling of waste
・Introduction and spread of renewable energy

This project has achieved the following effects:

・Emissions of greenhouse gases and air pollutants have been reduced.
・Energy self-sufficiency rate has improved
・Traffic accidents and traffic jams have decreased
・Citizens' health and environmental awareness has increased

2-2 Sumida Ward, Tokyo: Sumida Ward EST Promotion Plan

Sumida Ward has formulated a plan called the Sumida Ward EST Promotion Plan and is implementing the following initiatives.

・Electrification of community buses operated around Sky Tree
・Building a bicycle path along the Sumida River and installing rental bicycles
・Pedestrian paradise and sidewalk widening in front of stations and shopping streets
・Traffic ecology education and awareness activities for local residents and tourists

This project has achieved the following effects:

・The number of community bus users increased and the number of private car users decreased.
・The number of bicycle users increased, contributing to health improvement and tourism promotion.
・Improved pedestrian safety and comfort, leading to regional revitalization
・Increased understanding and interest in transportation methods with low environmental impact

3. Challenges and prospects for popularizing EST

EST is an effective means of achieving both disaster prevention and sustainable transportation, but there are various challenges to its realization. Here, we summarize the main challenges and prospects as follows.

3-1 Technical issues and prospects

In order to promote EST , it is necessary to develop and disseminate technologies such as next-generation vehicles and renewable energy. However, these technologies have issues in terms of cost and compatibility with current infrastructure and systems. For example, next-generation vehicles may lack facilities such as charging stations and hydrogen stations, making them less convenient. Additionally, renewable energy can produce unstable amounts of electricity or be difficult to coordinate with the power grid.


In order to resolve these issues, the following initiatives are necessary.

・Strengthen support measures such as subsidies and tax breaks for next-generation vehicles and renewable energy
・Develop infrastructure and systems suitable for the introduction of next-generation vehicles and renewable energy
・Improve the performance and safety of next-generation vehicles and renewable energy
・Provide information and conduct educational activities regarding the spread of next-generation vehicles and renewable energy.

3-2 Social issues and prospects

Promoting EST requires changes in people's travel behavior and lifestyle. However, these changes may conflict with people's customs and values. For example, a private car not only provides convenience and comfort, but also has psychological elements such as status and freedom. In addition, public transportation and bicycles may have time and distance restrictions, or there may be concerns about safety and cleanliness.


In order to resolve these issues, the following initiatives are necessary.

・Introduce regulatory measures such as restrictions on the use of private cars and charges
・Implement measures to promote the use and appeal of public transportation and bicycles
・Clarify the advantages and disadvantages of transportation methods other than private cars
・Increase understanding and interest in transportation methods other than private cars

3-3 Regional issues and prospects

In order to promote EST , it is necessary to take measures that are tailored to the characteristics and needs of each region. However, these measures may be challenged by regional disparities and cooperation. For example, in urban areas, the volume of traffic is high and problems such as congestion and noise are likely to occur, but there are many alternative means of transportation such as public transportation and bicycles. On the other hand, in rural areas, there is less traffic and less environmental impact, but there is a lack of alternative means such as public transportation and bicycles. In addition, there may be conflicting opinions and interests between regions regarding transportation policy and resource allocation.


In order to resolve these issues, the following initiatives are necessary.

・Setting different EST goals and indicators for urban and rural areas
・Implement different EST measures and projects in urban and rural areas
・Mutual learning and cooperation between urban and rural areas
・Sharing a common EST vision and philosophy between urban and rural areas



EST not only aims to achieve both disaster prevention and sustainable transportation, but also has the potential to contribute to socio-economic development and improving people's welfare. EST calls for changes in our travel behaviors and lifestyles, which we believe will be better for our future. EST is both a challenge and an opportunity for us. By promoting EST, we hope to realize disaster prevention and sustainable transportation, and build a safer, more comfortable, and more prosperous society.
