The importance of providing meals at evacuation centers and how to implement them

table of contents

1. Importance of providing meals at evacuation centers

1-1 Survival and health maintenance
1-2 Ensuring nutritional intake
1-3 Psychological support
1-4 Social cohesion
1-5 Efficient use of materials
1-6 Maintaining public health

2. How to provide meals at evacuation centers

2-1 Food procurement and stockpiling
2-2 Meal menu planning
2-3 Securing cooking facilities and equipment
2-4 Selection of meal provision format
2-5 Meal distribution and management
2-6 Hygiene management and cleanliness maintenance
2-7 Feedback and improvements

3.Importance of hygiene management at evacuation centers during disasters

3-1 Prevention of infectious diseases
3-2 Maintaining health status
3-3 Psychological stability
3-4 Sustainable evacuation center management
3-5 Maintaining population health and public health
3-6 Contribution to early recovery

4. How to implement hygiene management at evacuation centers during disasters

4-1 Hygiene education and awareness
4-2 Provision of water and sanitation facilities
4-3 Waste management
4-4 Food hygiene management
4-5 Cleaning and disinfection
4-6 Regular health check
4-7 Improvements and feedback



During disasters and emergencies, evacuation centers are important places that help keep people safe and maintain their lives. Providing meals is essential at evacuation centers. This article details the importance of providing meals at evacuation centers and how to implement them.


1. Importance of providing meals at evacuation centers

1-1 Survival and health maintenance

During disasters and emergencies, it is important for victims and evacuees at evacuation centers to receive the nutrition they need to survive. Providing adequate food can improve survival rates and maintain good health for disaster victims and evacuees.


1-2 Ensuring nutritional intake

In evacuation centers, disaster victims and evacuees are required to consume balanced nutrition. Ingesting sufficient energy sources, proteins, vitamins, minerals, and other nutrients can improve immunity and prevent disease.


1-3 Psychological support

Food is also a symbol of psychological stability and hope for people. Providing meals at evacuation centers can provide emotional support to disaster victims and evacuees and give them the strength to overcome difficult situations. Providing meals also serves as an opportunity for communication and interaction, and serves to enhance a sense of solidarity within the evacuation center.


1-4 Social cohesion

Many people gather at evacuation centers. Providing meals promotes community cohesion among disaster victims and evacuees, encouraging mutual support and information exchange. Sharing meals within the shelter fosters social connections and also has the effect of reducing stress.


1-5 Efficient use of materials

Evacuation centers need to make efficient use of limited supplies. By organizing meal provision, you can reduce food waste and ensure that disaster victims and evacuees receive the proper nutrition they need.


1-6 Maintaining public health

In evacuation centers, many people live together, so maintaining public health is important. Food provision must adhere to hygiene standards to maintain a sanitary environment. Proper food storage, preparation, and hygiene practices can minimize the risk of infectious diseases.



2. How to provide meals at evacuation centers

2-1 Food procurement and stockpiling

Providing meals at a shelter requires sourcing and stocking appropriate food. Secure emergency rations, preserved foods, and nutritionally balanced foods in preparation for long-term use. Plan the type and amount of food according to the number and needs of disaster victims and evacuees.


2-2 Meal menu planning

Evacuation centers must provide nutritionally balanced meals. When planning a meal menu, consider the contents and variations of each meal, such as staple foods (rice, bread, etc.), main dishes (protein sources), side dishes (vegetables and fruits), soups, etc. We also need to accommodate people with special dietary restrictions (allergies, religious restrictions, etc.).


2-3 Securing cooking facilities and equipment

Providing meals in shelters requires appropriate cooking facilities and equipment. Make sure you have a cooking area, cooking utensils, tableware, clean water sources, garbage disposal facilities, etc. Food preparation and storage requires compliance with hygiene standards and attention to the prevention of food poisoning.


2-4 Selection of meal provision format

The form of meal provision at evacuation centers is selected depending on the local situation and the needs of disaster victims and evacuees. Common delivery formats include school lunch style (all meals served at once), self-service style (buffet), and individual distribution style. Choose the optimal delivery format while considering safety and efficiency.


2-5 Meal distribution and management

Meal distribution and management are important in meal provision. Clarify the time and order of meals, organize the queues, and distribute food in order. The amount of food and nutritional intake will be adjusted depending on the number and health condition of disaster victims and evacuees. We also pay attention to food expiration dates and hygiene management, and perform appropriate management to maintain quality.


2-6 Hygiene management and cleanliness maintenance

Hygiene management and cleanliness are essential when providing meals at evacuation centers. We regularly clean cooking facilities and eating areas and strictly adhere to hygiene standards when storing and preparing food. We will encourage meal providers and other related parties to thoroughly wash their hands and take hygiene measures in an effort to prevent infectious diseases.


2-7 Feedback and improvements

After providing meals at evacuation centers, we receive feedback from disaster victims and evacuees. We understand the level of satisfaction with meals and areas for improvement, and consider appropriate countermeasures and improvement measures. Also, try to improve the quality and nutritional balance of the meals provided.



3.Importance of hygiene management at evacuation centers during disasters

3-1 Prevention of infectious diseases

Many people live close together in evacuation shelters during disasters. Such environments increase the risk of spreading infectious diseases. By implementing appropriate hygiene control measures, it is possible to prevent infectious diseases and prevent their spread. Important measures include thorough hand-washing and cough etiquette, cleaning and disinfecting common spaces, and proper waste management.


3-2 Maintaining health status

At evacuation centers, it is important to maintain the health status of disaster victims and evacuees. Providing appropriate meals, ensuring drinking water, and maintaining a sanitary environment lead to maintaining health conditions. Proper hygiene management can minimize the risk of infectious diseases and health problems and protect the physical health of disaster victims and evacuees.


3-3 Psychological stability

At evacuation centers during disasters, disaster victims and evacuees often feel anxious and stressed. A hygienic environment and proper hygiene also play a role in providing psychological stability. Good hygiene management, such as clean toilet and shower facilities, comfortable bedding, and proper ventilation, improves the living environment in evacuation centers and promotes a sense of peace of mind.


3-4 Sustainable evacuation center management

Hygiene management is also related to the sustainable operation of evacuation centers. Proper waste disposal and implementation of environmental hygiene measures will help maintain the cleanliness and health of your shelter. This reduces the risk of deteriorating the environment inside the evacuation center and supports the long-term operation of the evacuation center.


3-5 Maintaining population health and public health

At evacuation centers, many people gather and live together. Therefore, it is important not only to maintain personal hygiene, but also to maintain collective health and public health. Implementing appropriate hygiene control measures can prevent the spread of infectious diseases and epidemic outbreaks, and protect the overall health and public health within the evacuation site.


3-6 Contribution to early recovery

Healthy disaster victims and evacuees are essential for early recovery after a disaster. Appropriate hygiene management can suppress the outbreak of infectious diseases and diseases, and encourage early movement from evacuation centers and participation in recovery efforts.



4. How to implement hygiene management at evacuation centers during disasters

4-1 Hygiene education and awareness

We will conduct hygiene education and awareness activities for disaster victims and evacuees in evacuation centers. Let's raise awareness about the importance of hand washing, proper hand washing methods, cough etiquette, how to use the toilet, how to handle food, etc. It is important to convey information in an easy-to-understand manner, such as by providing information and using visual tools.


4-2 Provision of water and sanitation facilities

Providing clean water and adequate sanitation facilities is essential in evacuation centers. Ensuring safe drinking water, providing adequate toilets and showers, and providing hand-washing facilities are important. Manage water sources and clean and disinfect sanitary facilities regularly to maintain appropriate conditions.


4-3 Waste management

Evacuation centers require proper waste management. Establish procedures for garbage separation and proper waste disposal to maintain a sanitary environment. Set up trash receptacles, set collection schedules, and properly transport waste to disposal sites.


4-4 Food hygiene management

Food hygiene management is important when providing meals at evacuation centers. Make sure to properly store and prepare food and adhere to hygiene standards. Maintains the cleanliness of the kitchen area, dishes, and utensils to ensure food hygiene. Pay attention to food expiration date management and food poisoning prevention measures.


4-5 Cleaning and disinfection

Common spaces and facilities within the evacuation center will be regularly cleaned and disinfected. Reduce the risk of infection by maintaining the cleanliness of common areas, toilets, showers, and food preparation areas. Use proper cleaning supplies and disinfectants, set a cleaning schedule, and more.


4-6 Regular health check

Monitoring the health status of disaster victims and evacuees at evacuation centers is also important. Deploy medical staff for health checks and early detection of illnesses, and ensure access to hospitals and medical institutions.


4-7 Improvements and feedback

After implementing hygiene management at evacuation centers, we will receive feedback from disaster victims and evacuees and consider appropriate improvement measures. Work to improve hygiene management according to the situation and needs within the evacuation center.




Providing meals at evacuation centers is an essential element in providing life support and psychological support during disasters and emergencies. In order to plan and effectively implement a proper meal provision, it is important to follow procedures such as food security, meal menu planning, preparation and serving, meal serving and distribution, monitoring and improvement. This will support the health of disaster victims and evacuees in evacuation centers and the cohesion of their communities.

Hygiene management is an essential element to ensure the health and safety of disaster victims and evacuees. By adhering to practices such as providing hygiene education, securing water and sanitation facilities, waste management, regular inspection and maintenance, cleaning and disinfection, and monitoring and reporting, we can optimize hygiene conditions within evacuation centers and reduce disaster-affected areas. This can protect the health of residents and evacuees.
