Importance and success stories of disaster prevention awareness campaigns

table of contents

1. Importance of disaster prevention awareness campaigns

1-1 Protection of human life
1-2 Property protection
1-3 Strengthening the community

2. Success story

Success Story 1: Japan's Disaster Preparedness Day Campaign
Success Story 2: Be Prepared
Success Story 3 :: Canada's Disaster Preparedness Week Campaign



Natural disasters and disaster risks have become a serious problem around the world. In order to minimize the loss of human life and loss of property, raising disaster prevention awareness has become an important issue. This article explores in detail the importance and success of disaster prevention awareness campaigns.


1. Importance of disaster prevention awareness campaigns

1-1 Protection of human life

Providing Accurate Information on Disasters : The campaign will widely disseminate information on disaster risks and appropriate countermeasures. This allows people to obtain accurate information about the occurrence and progress of disasters, so that they can take appropriate measures and actions.


Appropriate education and training : Disaster awareness campaigns provide appropriate education and training to people. For example, training on evacuation methods, learning life-saving techniques, and how to stockpile emergency food is carried out. This will improve people's ability to make correct decisions and protect themselves and others during disasters.



1-2 Property protection

Good Preparedness and Preparedness : The campaign educates people on the importance of preparedness and preparedness in times of disaster. Appropriate measures include stockpiling emergency supplies, making your home earthquake-resistant, and purchasing insurance. This allows people to take steps to protect their property in case of disaster.

Early Warning Systems and Information Sharing : The campaign promotes the use of early warning systems and the sharing of disaster information. Early warning systems detect the occurrence of disasters such as earthquakes and floods in advance and play a role in sending warnings to people. Information sharing also strengthens partnerships with local communities and local governments, helping to improve disaster preparedness.


1-3 Strengthening the community

Promoting Cooperation and Coordination : The campaign encourages community residents and organizations to connect and work together to prepare for disasters. By having local residents, local governments, schools, companies, etc. work together to conduct disaster prevention activities and drills, you can realize the strength of the community and the importance of cooperation.

Building disaster support systems : The campaign helps build disaster support systems. Local volunteers, non-profit organizations, local governments, etc. will work together to establish a support system for the entire region, such as setting up evacuation centers and conducting relief activities. This will enable prompt implementation of lifesaving and livelihood support in the event of a disaster.

Information Dissemination and Accuracy : The DRR Awareness Campaign focuses on providing accurate and reliable information. By widely disseminating the latest information on disasters, preventive measures, evacuation methods, etc., people can acquire appropriate knowledge. Accurate information leads to less erroneous behavior and anxiety, making disaster response more effective.

Balance supply and demand : DRR awareness campaigns help people balance supply and demand. On the demand side, people are interested in disaster risk reduction and seek the knowledge and resources they need to keep themselves safe. On the supply side, demand is met by providing resources such as appropriate education and training and the development of shelters. The campaign will strengthen the disaster prevention system of the entire region while striking this balance.

Continuous awareness-raising activities : Raising disaster awareness is not a one-time effort, but requires continuous awareness-raising activities. The campaign continuously raises people's disaster prevention awareness through regular information provision and awareness-raising activities, as well as one-time events and drills. As a result, disaster prevention will permeate daily behavior before a disaster occurs, and the formation of a disaster prevention culture will progress throughout society.

Reaching Diverse Target Groups : A disaster prevention awareness campaign needs to reach a wide range of target groups. Awareness-raising and educational programs that reach all people in the community, from children to the elderly, are needed. It is also important to provide information to people with different languages ​​and cultures. Through this, all layers of society can raise awareness of disaster prevention and improve their ability to respond to disasters.

Local Sustainability : DRR awareness campaigns also play a role in improving local sustainability. Understanding the risks of disasters and developing appropriate countermeasures and emergency action plans can minimize socio-economic losses in the region. It is also important to have community solidarity and common goals in the post-disaster recovery and reconstruction process. DRR Awareness Campaign supports the sustainable development of the entire region.


2. Success story

Success Story 1: Japan's Disaster Preparedness Day Campaign

In Japan, "Disaster Preparedness Day" is set on September 1st every year as part of a disaster preparedness awareness campaign. Below is a detailed description of Japan's "Disaster Preparedness Day" campaign.


① Purpose of the campaign

The main purpose of the “Disaster Prevention Day” campaign is to raise public awareness of disaster prevention. Emphasis is placed on improving the disaster prevention capabilities of individuals, families, and local communities and promoting disaster preparedness through the provision of information and awareness-raising activities on disaster risks and appropriate countermeasures.


② Contents of the campaign

Various activities are carried out in the "Disaster Preparedness Day" campaign.

Implementation of disaster prevention events : Events related to disaster prevention are held all over the country. Exhibitions, symposiums, workshops, etc. are held, and local residents and related parties gather to exchange information and opinions on disaster prevention.

Promotion of disaster prevention education : Disaster prevention education will be implemented at schools and nursery schools. Evacuation drills, first-aid training, and distribution of disaster prevention manuals are conducted to raise awareness of disaster prevention among children.

Dissemination of disaster prevention information : Information on disaster prevention is disseminated all at once through the media and the Internet. Information on appropriate measures, evacuation methods, and stockpiling disaster prevention goods will be provided, and disaster prevention awareness will be heightened for the entire nation.

Implementation of disaster drills : Disaster drills are held in communities and companies. Through simulations of earthquakes, fires, floods, etc., we confirm appropriate actions and cooperation systems in the event of a disaster, and conduct practical training.


(3) Roles of national and local governments

The “Disaster Preparedness Day” campaign is led by national and local governments.

Role of the government : The government formulates and guides disaster prevention policies, provides disaster prevention information, and develops related laws and regulations. In addition, we are in charge of setting messages and slogans for campaigns and public relations activities for mass media.

Role of local governments : Local governments plan and operate specific disaster prevention measures and events tailored to the region. In addition, we will cooperate with local schools, nursery schools, companies, etc. and support the implementation of disaster prevention education and training.

The "Disaster Preparedness Day" campaign is an important event for raising awareness of disaster prevention in Japan, and has been established as an effective initiative to raise public awareness of disaster prevention.



Success Story 2: Be Prepared

The ' Be Prepared ' campaign is a very successful disaster prevention awareness campaign in Australia.

The purpose of this campaign is to raise public awareness of disaster prevention and promote disaster preparedness. Below are the details of the campaign.


① Campaign background

Australia is a country affected by natural disasters that occur frequently in Australia. Forest fires, floods, and heat waves can occur and cause devastating loss of life and property. Therefore, the government recognized the need to call on the public to improve their disaster preparedness and response capabilities, and launched this campaign.


② Contents of the campaign

Media campaign : A wide range of media, including television, radio, the Internet, and SNS , were used to disseminate information and awareness messages on disaster risk reduction. In particular, information on alerts and countermeasures was provided according to areas and seasons where disasters are likely to occur.

Provision of Disaster Risk Reduction Resources : A campaign website, brochures and posters were developed to provide the public with specific information and advice on disaster risk reduction. A detailed explanation was given on how to prepare an emergency kit, necessary equipment, and how to make an evacuation plan.

Dissemination of disaster prevention drills : Disaster prevention drills were disseminated in cooperation with local schools, local governments and organizations. Simulation drills and evacuation drills for earthquakes, fires, floods, etc. were conducted, and the citizens learned appropriate actions in the event of a disaster, improving their response capabilities.


(3) Outcomes and impacts

The " Be Prepared " campaign has greatly increased public awareness of disaster risk reduction and at the same time has led to concrete actions.

Awareness raising : The campaign has raised awareness of disaster preparedness among Australians and disseminated knowledge about risks and preparedness in the event of a disaster. The public has become actively interested in disaster prevention.

Concrete preparations : Many citizens made specific preparations, such as creating disaster prevention kits and drawing up evacuation plans. In the event of a disaster, it will be possible to act immediately, which can be expected to contribute to minimizing damage and efficient rescue operations.

Local Strengthening : Local community coordination and cooperation have been strengthened. Local residents, local governments, and organizations have become more active in disaster prevention activities, and a stronger community has been formed.

Australia's " Be Prepared " campaign has been praised as an effective initiative to raise public awareness of disaster preparedness and encourage concrete preparations and actions.



Success Story 3 : Canada's Disaster Preparedness Week Campaign

In Canada, the first week of May is designated as "Disaster Preparedness Week" every year, and a campaign to raise disaster preparedness awareness is carried out. Below is a detailed description of Canada's Disaster Preparedness Week campaign.

① Purpose of the campaign

The main purpose of the “Disaster Preparedness Week” campaign is to raise public awareness of disaster preparedness and prepare for disaster risks. Emphasis is placed on encouraging individuals, families and communities to be more resilient to disasters and improve their capacity to respond to disasters.


② Contents of the campaign

During the Disaster Preparedness Week campaign, various initiatives will be carried out.

Implementation of disaster prevention events : Events related to disaster prevention are held all over the country. Workshops, seminars, exhibitions, etc. are held, and local residents and related parties gather to share information and knowledge about disaster prevention.

Promotion of disaster prevention education : Disaster prevention education will be implemented at schools and community centers. Evacuation drills in the event of a disaster, first-aid practice, and the preparation of disaster prevention kits are carried out to foster awareness of disaster prevention in a wide range of generations, from children to adults.

Dissemination of disaster prevention information : Information on disaster prevention is disseminated all at once through the media and the Internet. Information on risks such as earthquakes, floods, and wildfires, as well as information on appropriate countermeasures and actions, will be provided.

Building a cooperative system : Local residents, volunteer groups, local governments, etc. will work together to build a cooperative system for disaster prevention. Local disaster prevention plans, establishment of emergency contact methods, and networking events are held to improve the disaster prevention capabilities of the entire region.


(3) Government role

The Government of Canada supports the Disaster Preparedness Week campaign and provides appropriate policies and guidance. The government cooperates with disaster prevention ministries and agencies and local governments to plan campaigns, support public relations activities, and provide funding.

The “Disaster Preparedness Week” campaign is an important event for raising disaster preparedness awareness in Canada, and has been established as an effective initiative to improve the disaster preparedness of the people.




DRR awareness campaigns are important initiatives that contribute to the protection of human life, protection of property, and strengthening of communities. Successful examples include the Disaster Preparedness Day campaign in Japan and the Disaster Preparedness Week campaign in Canada. These campaigns play a role in minimizing the damage caused by disasters by strengthening community solidarity and promoting appropriate countermeasures and actions. It is important to continue promoting disaster prevention awareness campaigns around the world, and I hope that more successful cases will emerge.
