Relationship between disaster prevention and sustainable energy

table of contents

1. Interaction between climate change and disasters and their impacts
2. Advantages and challenges of renewable energy
3. Examples of disaster prevention and mitigation using renewable energy

3-1 Renewable energy business in Japan after the Great East Japan Earthquake
3-2 Solar power generation system in the Philippines after Typhoon Haiyan
3-3 Floating solar power generation system as a flood countermeasure in Bangladesh
in conclusion


In recent years, energy security and sustainability have become major issues due to the effects of climate change and natural disasters. Energy is an essential element for economic growth and social welfare, but energy systems that rely on traditional fossil fuels cause greenhouse gas emissions and environmental pollution, worsen climate change, and reduce energy supply during disasters. It exposes vulnerabilities.

On the other hand, renewable energy sources can provide clean, cheap and reliable energy, contribute to climate change adaptation and mitigation, and increase resilience to disasters. Renewable energy sources are diverse, including solar, wind, hydro, geothermal, and biomass, and can be selected and combined according to local characteristics and needs. Furthermore, by building a distributed or independent power system, it is possible to improve the stability of power supply and speed of recovery in the event of a disaster.


This article examines the relationship between disaster prevention and sustainable energy from the following three perspectives.

1. Interaction between climate change and disasters and their impacts

Climate change brings about long-term changes in global climate factors such as average temperature, precipitation, and sea level. These changes affect the frequency, intensity, extent and impact of natural disasters. for example,

- Rising temperatures will increase disasters related to high temperatures and dryness, such as heat waves and droughts, as well as cause a decrease in snow cover and glacier area, and melting of permafrost.

・Increased precipitation increases water damage such as floods and landslides, and affects agriculture and water resource management.

- Rising sea levels will increase coastal disasters such as storm surges and flooding, as well as cause coastal erosion and salt water intrusion.

・Changes in atmospheric pressure and winds due to climate change affect the occurrence and course of storm disasters such as typhoons and tornadoes.

The interaction between climate change and disasters has various effects on humans and society. for example,

-Loss of human life and property due to disasters leads to stagnation or decline in economic activity and social services.

- Damage to infrastructure and lifelines due to disasters can lead to supply shortages and quality deterioration of energy, water, food, medical care, etc.

- Destruction of the environment and ecosystems due to disasters leads to a decrease in biodiversity and a decline in ecosystem services.

・The health and psychological effects of disasters can lead to the occurrence and increase of infectious diseases and stress disorders.

These impacts often place a disproportionate burden on people and regions with high levels of poverty and vulnerability, and can work against sustainable development and human security.


2. Advantages and challenges of renewable energy

Renewable energy has the following advantages as a means of adaptation and mitigation to climate change and disasters:

・Renewable energy emits less greenhouse gas than fossil fuels and can reduce carbon dioxide emissions, which cause climate change.

・Renewable energy can increase energy self-sufficiency because it allows use of abundant natural resources in the region. This can reduce the impact on energy price fluctuations and supply instability.

・Renewable energy enables the construction of decentralized and self-sustaining power systems, which can improve the stability of power supply and the speed of recovery in the event of a disaster. It can also provide electricity services even in areas where connection to the power grid is difficult.

- Renewable energy can provide opportunities for new jobs and industry creation. In particular, renewable energy projects that utilize local resources can contribute to revitalizing local economies and strengthening communities.

On the other hand, renewable energy also has its challenges. for example,

- The amount of power generated by renewable energy often fluctuates depending on the weather and season, and auxiliary technologies and systems such as power storage and adjustment are required to maintain the balance between supply and demand. These technologies and systems still have issues in terms of cost, efficiency, reliability, etc.

・Renewable energy may have an impact on the environment and ecosystem during the construction and operation of power generation facilities. For example, hydroelectric power generation can affect river flows, water quality, and biodiversity. Wind power generation can also cause collisions with flying animals such as birds and bats.

- There may be obstacles to the introduction and dissemination of renewable energy due to social, economic, political, and legal factors. For example, it may be difficult to reach consensus with local residents and stakeholders regarding the location and profit sharing of renewable energy projects. In addition, there may be unfair policies such as subsidies and regulations for fossil fuels that affect the competitiveness and return on investment of renewable energy projects.

Overcoming these challenges requires an approach that comprehensively considers the technical, economic, social, and institutional aspects of renewable energy. Furthermore, the participation and cooperation of diverse stakeholders is essential for the introduction and dissemination of renewable energy.


3. Examples of disaster prevention and mitigation using renewable energy

3-1 Renewable energy business in Japan after the Great East Japan Earthquake

The Great East Japan Earthquake that occurred on March 11 , 2011 caused tremendous damage throughout Japan. In particular, the meltdown accident at the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant caused problems with radioactive contamination and evacuees. In the wake of this disaster, interest in and demand for renewable energy increased in Japan. The government introduced the renewable energy feed-in tariff ( FIT ), which obligates renewable energy companies to purchase electricity at a high price for a certain period of time. As a result, the amount of renewable energy introduced has rapidly increased. In particular, solar power generation has been widely installed in homes, commercial facilities, and industrial sites. Wind power generation and biomass power generation were also developed according to local characteristics and needs.


Our renewable energy business contributed to disaster recovery and disaster prevention and mitigation. for example,

・The renewable energy business contributed to job creation and industrial development in the disaster-stricken areas. In particular, renewable energy projects that utilize local resources have contributed to revitalizing local economies and strengthening communities.

・Renewable energy projects have improved energy security and sustainability in disaster-stricken areas. In particular, distributed and autonomous power systems have improved the stability of power supply and the speed of recovery during disasters. Additionally, by not relying on large-scale power generation facilities such as nuclear power plants and thermal power plants, we have reduced risks such as radioactive contamination and greenhouse gas emissions.

・Renewable energy projects have improved the landscape and environment of disaster-stricken areas. In particular, biomass power generation using waste and waste materials has contributed to waste treatment and resource recycling. In addition, power generation equipment such as solar panels and wind turbines became symbols of recovery in the disaster-stricken areas.

3-2 Solar power generation system in the Philippines after Typhoon Haiyan

Typhoon Haiyan, which occurred on November 8 , 2013 , caused severe damage to the central Philippines. In particular, the electricity infrastructure on Leyte Island suffered a devastating blow, resulting in prolonged power outages. In the wake of this disaster, interest and demand for solar power generation systems increased in the Philippines. Governments, international organizations, and private organizations cooperated to support the introduction and spread of solar power generation systems. These solar power generation systems are decentralized and self-contained, and have been deployed on a variety of scales, from households to public facilities.


Solar power generation systems have contributed to disaster recovery, disaster prevention, and mitigation. for example,

・The solar power generation system functioned as a lifeline in the disaster area. In particular, solar power generation systems installed in public facilities such as medical facilities and schools have contributed to the continuation and recovery of medical, educational, and other services during disasters. In addition, household solar power generation systems provided electricity for basic daily needs such as lighting and communications.

・Solar power generation systems have improved energy security and sustainability in the disaster-stricken areas. In particular, distributed and independent solar power generation systems have improved the stability of power supply and the speed of recovery in the event of a disaster. Additionally, by not relying on fossil fuels, we have reduced the impact on energy price fluctuations and supply instability.

・Solar power generation systems contributed to adaptation and mitigation of climate change in the disaster-stricken areas. In particular, by reducing greenhouse gas emissions, we have suppressed carbon dioxide emissions, which cause climate change. We have also increased our ability to respond to the impacts of climate change by using renewable energy sources.

3-3 Floating solar power generation system as a flood countermeasure in Bangladesh

Bangladesh is one of the countries most vulnerable to the effects of climate change. In particular, rivers flowing from the Himalayas and tidal currents from the Indian Ocean cause floods every year. These floods cause major damage to agriculture and infrastructure. To address this issue, interest and demand for floating solar power systems has increased in Bangladesh. Governments, international organizations, and private organizations cooperated to support the introduction and popularization of floating solar power generation systems. These floating solar power systems consist of solar panels installed on the water and storage batteries installed in the water, and can rise and fall as the water level changes.


The floating solar power generation system has contributed to disaster prevention and mitigation from floods. for example,

The floating solar power generation system ensured power supply during floods. Particularly in rural and isolated areas, floating solar power systems have become the only source of electricity. Additionally, floating solar power generation systems are not affected by damage to power infrastructure or power outages caused by floods, improving the stability of power supply and speed of recovery.

・The floating solar power generation system functioned as a lifeline during floods. In particular, floating solar power generation systems installed in public facilities such as medical facilities and schools have contributed to the continuation and recovery of medical, educational, and other services during disasters. In addition, floating solar power generation systems for households provided electricity for basic daily needs such as lighting and communications.

・Floating solar power generation systems have contributed to agriculture and water resource management during floods. In particular, the floating solar power generation system has contributed to the effective use of land and the protection of farmland by installing solar panels on the water. Furthermore, by installing storage batteries underwater, the floating solar power generation system contributed to lowering water temperature and suppressing evaporation.



In this article, we will discuss the relationship between disaster prevention and sustainable energy through three topics: the interaction between climate change and disasters and their impacts, the advantages and challenges of renewable energy, and examples of disaster prevention and mitigation using renewable energy. I considered it from this point of view. We found that renewable energy can contribute to climate change adaptation and mitigation, as well as increase resilience to disasters. However, renewable energy also has its challenges. Overcoming these challenges requires an approach that comprehensively considers the technical, economic, social, and institutional aspects of renewable energy. Furthermore, the participation and cooperation of diverse stakeholders is essential for the introduction and dissemination of renewable energy.


The relationship between disaster prevention and sustainable energy should continue to be addressed as an important theme. We can achieve a sustainable society by harnessing renewable energy and increasing our adaptability and resilience to climate change and disasters.
