What to do if you miss your chance to evacuate: Advice to stay safe

table of contents

1. Calm judgment

1-1 Emotional control
1-2 Assessing the situation
1-3 Identifying options
1-4 Balance between risk and profit
1-5 Consideration of long-term perspective
1-6 Acceptance of expert advice

2. Move to a safe place

2-1 Confirm evacuation route
2-2 Move to the nearest and safest location
2-3 Move to higher ground or a solid structure
2-4 Checking the road condition
2-5 Selection of means of transportation
2-6 Cooperation with companions
2-7 Bring appropriate clothing and essentials
2-8 Information collection and monitoring

3. Collaborate with people around you

3-1 Establishing communication
3-2 Setting the meeting place
3-3 Confirm contact method
3-4 Confirm emergency contact information
3-5 Securing food, drinks and necessities
3-6 Monitoring the situation

4. Ask for help

4-1 Calm judgment
4-2 Call out to people nearby
4-3 Make an emergency call
4-4 Attract attention from high places
4-5 Use emergency tools
4-6 Use social media and messaging apps :
4-7 Alert people around you

5.Sharing and confirming information

5-1 Check the accuracy of information
5-2 Share changes in the situation
5-3 Sharing meeting places and contact methods
5-4 Share information on evacuation routes and shelters
5-5 Share expert advice
5-6 Setting group leaders and contact persons
5-7 Use of collective communication methods

6.Follow the group leader's instructions

6-1 Respect the experience and knowledge of leaders
6-2 Trust in calm judgment
6-3 Act according to the leader's policy
6-4 Promote group cohesion
6-5 Ensure informed consent
6-6 Collaborate to solve problems
6-7 Provide feedback

7. Sharing backup plans

7-1 Create a preliminary plan
7-2 List of parties involved
7-3 Confirmation of means of communication
7-4 Selection of backup evacuation site
7-5 Establishment of communication system
7-6 Sharing backup plans
7-7 Regular checks and updates
7-8 Training and Exercises



When a disaster or emergency occurs, it is very important to evacuate at the right time, but sometimes you may miss the chance to evacuate. To prepare for such a situation, here is some advice to stay safe even if you miss your chance to evacuate.


1. Calm judgment

1-1 Emotional control

When faced with an emergency or dangerous situation, emotions such as fear and impatience may increase. However, in order to deal with these emotions calmly and not be dominated by them, you first need to practice controlling your emotions. Use relaxation techniques like deep breathing and meditation to avoid getting carried away by your emotions.


1-2 Assessing the situation

In order to make calm decisions, it is important to accurately assess the situation. Eliminate emotions and preconceptions in order to see things objectively. Review facts and information and gather as much objective information as possible to base your decisions.

1-3 Identifying options

Once you understand the situation, it's time to explore your possible options. By considering different approaches and plans of action, you can approach problems from a broader perspective. Consider multiple options and consider their advantages and disadvantages.

1-4 Balance between risk and profit

Each option involves risks and benefits. When making calm decisions, it is important to balance the risks and benefits of each option. Consider which option is the safest and balance the benefits and risks it presents.

1-5 Consideration of long-term perspective

In emergency situations, it is necessary to consider not only the current situation, but also future prospects. It is important to consider how temporary choices will affect future safety and circumstances when making decisions.


1-6 Acceptance of expert advice

Advice and opinions from experts are also important factors when making calm decisions. By accepting information and advice from experts and refining your decisions based on that information, you can make more accurate decisions.



2. Move to a safe place

2-1 Confirm evacuation route

It is important to understand local evacuation routes and evacuation centers in advance. Be sure to check evacuation route maps and information provided by local governments and related organizations to understand your evacuation route.


2-2 Move to the nearest and safest location

When evacuating, move to a safe location as close as possible. Even if it is difficult to move to an evacuation center or evacuation area, it is important to evacuate to the safest place depending on the current situation, such as inside a building or next to a wall.

2-3 Move to higher ground or a solid structure

In the event of a flood or tsunami, you may be required to move to higher ground or a solid structure. If you have a place with high ground or an earthquake-resistant building, move to such a place.


2-4 Checking the road condition

Before evacuating, check road conditions and traffic information. If you anticipate road closures or traffic jams, choose an alternate route or adjust your travel plans to ensure safe travel.


2-5 Selection of means of transportation

During an evacuation, walking may be the safest option, but if you have access to a car, bicycle, or public transportation, consider choosing an appropriate mode of transportation.

2-6 Cooperation with companions

When evacuating with family or friends, it is important to maintain coordination. When evacuating, be sure to communicate with your travel companions to ensure each other's safety.


2-7 Bring appropriate clothing and essentials

When evacuating, it is important to bring appropriate clothing and essentials. Make sure you have clothing appropriate for the weather and environment, as well as necessities such as drinking water, emergency food, medicine, lights, and a cell phone charger.


2-8 Information collection and monitoring

It is important to collect information even during evacuation and understand the current situation and evacuation instructions. Collect information through radio, smartphones, and the Internet and make appropriate decisions.



3. Collaborate with people around you

3-1 Establishing communication

In an emergency, it is important to communicate with people around you. Share your contact information with neighbors, family, and friends so they can share any necessary information or changes in your situation.


3-2 Setting the meeting place

By setting a pre-agreed meeting place with your family or group members, it will be easier to confirm each other's safety in an emergency. Decide on an evacuation site or safe spot and make a plan to wait there.


3-3 Confirm contact method

It is important to know how to contact you in an emergency and prepare the necessary applications and tools in advance. Make sure you have a way to contact them using mobile phones, radio, social media, etc.


3-4 Confirm emergency contact information

    Even if you miss your chance to evacuate, it is important to have a way to contact you in case of an emergency. Take precautions such as keeping your cell phone charged and having an emergency radio available. Also, don't forget to share your emergency contact information with family and friends.


    3-5 Securing food, drinks and necessities

    If you miss your chance to evacuate, you may have to wait for a long time. It is important to secure sufficient supplies such as drinking water, emergency food, and necessary medicines.


    3-6 Monitoring the situation

    Even if you miss the chance to evacuate, the situation can change. Collect information through radio and the internet to understand the current situation and evacuation orders. Be prepared in case you need to evacuate again at the appropriate time.


    4. Ask for help

    4-1 Calm judgment

    When you find yourself in a situation where you need help, first try to make a calm decision. Don't be afraid or panic; instead, assess the situation objectively to see what kind of help you need.


    4-2 Call out to people nearby

    When you need help, the first step is to reach out to those around you. Send calls and signals for help to let people around you know you are in trouble.


    4-3 Make an emergency call

      In an emergency, it is important to call your local emergency number (e.g. 911 ). Describe your situation in detail and request any help you need. This is a way to receive professional assistance such as police, fire, and emergency services.


      4-4 Attract attention from high places

      There are also ways to get attention from a higher place to ask for help. For example, you might call for help from the window of a building or shout for help. This will make it easier for people around you to notice you.


      4-5 Use emergency tools

      In an emergency, you can also use emergency tools such as whistles, lights, and reflective sheets to call for help. These items can easily attract attention from a distance and are useful when waiting for help.


      4-6 Use social media and messaging apps

      If you have a smartphone and internet access, you may also consider asking for help through social media or messaging apps. Send a message to your friends and family to let them know what's going on and ask for support.


      4-7 Alert people around you

      There are also ways to alert those around you when you need help. You can make your presence known to those around you by shouting for help, waving, or throwing things.


      5.Sharing and confirming information

      5-1 Check the accuracy of information

      Make sure the information is reliable before you share it. Information from social media and word-of-mouth can contain misunderstandings and misinformation, so prioritize trusting information from official sources and reliable media.


      5-2 Share changes in the situation

      The situation can change suddenly, so please share information with those around you and check on changed facts and new information. If evacuation orders or danger situations change, share information promptly.


      5-3 Sharing meeting places and contact methods

      It is important to share with your family and friends how to contact them and where to meet in advance. Share contact methods and meeting locations to ensure each other's safety in an emergency.


      5-4 Share information on evacuation routes and shelters

      Sharing information about local evacuation routes and evacuation centers with people around you will help you evacuate safely. Share evacuation route maps and evacuation shelter locations and provide necessary information.


      5-5 Share expert advice

      It is also important to share advice and information from experts with those around you. Providing official sources and expert opinions can help disseminate accurate information.


      5-6 Setting group leaders and contact persons

      In the event of an emergency, it is effective to set up a group leader or contact person. Responsible for collecting and sharing information, standardizing communication methods, and ensuring efficient information flow.


      5-7 Use of collective communication methods

      Share information using collective communication methods such as phone calls, messaging apps, social media, and radio. Ensuring efficient communication facilitates the flow of information.


      6.Follow the group leader's instructions

      6-1 Respect the experience and knowledge of leaders

      Leaders usually have extensive experience and knowledge in their field or situation. Respect the instructions given by your leader, as they are based on their knowledge and experience.


      6-2 Trust in calm judgment

      Leaders often have the ability to make calm decisions. It is important to believe that the decisions made are to ensure the safety of the entire group and to follow the decisions of the leader.


      6-3 Act according to the leader's policy

      By acting in accordance with the policies and action plans laid out by the leader, harmony is maintained throughout the group. By following the leader's policy, not just your own judgment, you can avoid confusion and wasteful actions.


      6-4 Promote group cohesion

      Following the leader's instructions makes it easier for the whole group to work together. By following the leader's instructions with a sense of unity, actions can be taken more effectively.


      6-5 Ensure informed consent

      When following a leader's instructions, it is also important to understand the reasons and background. By ensuring informed consent and understanding the thinking behind a leader's instructions, you can take more meaningful action.


      6-6 Collaborate to solve problems

      While following the leader's instructions, it is also important to have the attitude of sharing problems with the entire group and seeking solutions. Let's work together as leaders and members to solve problems and ensure safety.


      6-7 Provide feedback

      It is also important to provide feedback to leaders in a timely manner. By looking back on how effective the leader's instructions were and where they could be improved, you can help improve future responses.



      7. Sharing backup plans

      7-1 Create a preliminary plan

      First, create a backup plan. In addition to regular response plans, we consider countermeasures and actions for different scenarios and summarize them in detail. Include shelter, supplies, contact information, and means of communication.


      7-2 List of parties involved

      Create a list of stakeholders in your backup plan. Gather information about the people you should contact in an emergency, such as family, friends, neighbors, and co-workers. Include details such as name, phone number, and email address.


      7-3 Confirmation of means of communication

      Check your means of communication with stakeholders. It's important to make sure you can reach them in different ways, including by phone, messaging apps, social media, and radio. Verify that communication is established.


      7-4 Selection of backup evacuation site

      Select a backup evacuation site in case your regular evacuation site is unavailable. Share the location by considering safe elevated ground, a solid building, or the home of a relative or friend.


      7-5 Establishment of communication system

      Clarify the communication system in the backup plan. Decide on rules for who will be responsible for collecting information and communicating with relevant parties. Share your contact list.


      7-6 Sharing backup plans

      Share your preliminary plan with stakeholders. Communicate the details of your backup plan to family, friends, and business associates. At that time, we will explain under what circumstances the plan will be implemented, and provide information such as contact methods and evacuation locations.


      7-7 Regular checks and updates

      The backup plan should be reviewed and updated from time to time. Update your plan to reflect contact changes, new information, or changed circumstances and share it with stakeholders.


      7-8 Training and Exercises

      It is also important to try out your backup plan in actual training and exercises. Through simulation, we simulate situations that closely resemble real-world situations to see if our plans work.




      Even if you miss your chance to evacuate, calm judgment and appropriate response are the keys to ensuring your safety. Cooperate with those around you, share information, and make sure to make the necessary preparations. While waiting for an opportunity to evacuate, it is important to take precautions to stay in a safe place.
